The Song Trail

Kasey's Australian Adventures of music, family and fun in a Kokoda Cadet 2 & a Chevy Silverado




“In June of 2022 I decided to trade in my ‘airport touring lifestyle’ for a Chevy Silverado and a 21 ft Kokoda Caravan.  I realised that the lifestyle that I had been living on and off planes for so many years now, even though it was luxurious and convenient, it was not matching up with who I was deep down.  

This voice inside me (yep she’s pretty fucking loud and screechy as you would imagine) was telling me that-not only was this lifestyle not filling up my heart-but it was also taking away the opportunity to find some unexpected things in my life that set my soul on fire.  

So I was sitting there in an airport lounge one day-yes, drinking the incredibly good coffee they make-when I started thinking back to when I was a kid.  

I had spent a lot of my early childhood travelling with my family, both for my parents work in outback Australia, many very low budget Caravan trips throughout the rest of the country and also when I first started touring through music we would drive everywhere (unable to afford or have the choice of flying) to get to all of our gig destinations.  The memories that I have from all these years of travelling I realised, are absolutely priceless.

By the time I was in my mid 20s I had travelled almost every inch of Australia from the beautiful coastlines to the wild, remote outback with my family playing music along the way, in pubs, clubs, town halls, small festivals and often just sitting around campfires.  Sometimes even just sleeping in swags on the side of the road after a gig because we couldn’t afford accommodation. 

Travelling Australia, playing music, hanging with my family and never quite knowing what was about to happen was my life.  

I was living the dream and I didn’t even know it. 

I met so many incredible locals from small unheard of towns, to beachside villages, aboriginal communities and roadhouses all over the country.  

I heard stories, learnt history, had tears, laughter, made lifelong friends, heard new unknown music, had unexpected experiences and wrote songs about all of it! 

These experiences have helped so much in shaping who I am and the truth is I just realised this one day that I really missed it.  



I missed rolling through little towns and meeting the locals over a counter meal at the pub, I missed stopping at natural swimming holes because it was too beautiful to go past, I missed looking out the window of the car to see the beautiful red dirt of the sparse outback between Coober Pedy & Alice Springs to the overgrown tropical jungle of the Daintree rainforest in Queensland, I missed meeting other kids in caravan parks and bush camps and then meeting them again by surprise in another town, I missed staying extra days in communities where we were just having too much fun to leave, I missed cooking all our meals on a campfire and singing old gospel songs around it afterwards. 

So it was time to listen to that voice again. 

That voice that was drawing me back to my grounding. 

I knew I had to listen to her but the truth is that I was very fucking nervous about the change!! 

Here I was sitting comfortably and lavishly in the airport lounge also feeling incredibly grateful for this moment and the chance that I had to be in this position to even make a choice between two lifestyles!  And let’s face it, the seats in the airport lounge are very comfortable indeed! 

But magic never happens when we stay comfortable.  Things never change when we stay comfortable.  

No soul is ever set on fire from the feeling of comfort.  And I wanted to feel alive again!  I was ready to feel alive again. 

BUT I had definitely never driven a truck as big as a Chevy Silverado and had certainly NEVER towed anything as big as the 21.6 ft Cadet 2 Kokoda caravan and I was fucking scared!!! 

So I booked myself and my partner into a towing course (Viking Towing course in NSW-Best money I’ve ever spent!!!) because, as much as this journey ahead was about setting my own soul on fire, it was equally as much about taking my kids with me on this adventure for some unforgettable times ahead, so safety was my number 1 priority.  

I wanted my kids to share these unpredictable, exciting, different and real experiences so they could really learn about our incredible country first hand like I did. The different cultures, ways of life, survival skills that I was taught as a child like how to cook on an open campfire through to visiting aboriginal community schools to play them songs about the outback and giving in ways that fill our hearts.  

It’s important to me that my kids know how many different choices, opportunities, options, cultures and beliefs there are out there in the world for them to choose from and hopefully they will trust themselves enough to listen to their own inner voice (even if it doesn’t match up with mine) and make choices towards finding that thing that sets their own heart and soul on fire. 

kasey cadet think  

With the help of Chevy Silverado - GMSV and Kokoda Caravans, not only was I able to choose this lifestyle that was calling me I also didn’t really end up having to give up quite as many comforts as I initially thought!! They have everything I could ever want and need ‘built in’ and both vehicles are as big as some airport lounges I’ve been in anyway!! Haha. 

We even have an awesome coffee machine in the van and my partner is the best barista so I don’t even have to miss the lounge coffee! 

Now, after having spent so much time this past year in both the truck and the van I feel so connected to what I am doing, both in a driving/towing sense and a lifestyle choice.  I get excited for every single trip, every time I get behind the wheel, every gig-no matter how far the drive is-and every adventure that comes our way.  

I am extremely grateful for all of the opportunities that have come into my life over the years but I am also incredibly grateful for the voice deep within me that-even though I sometimes ignore her for a while-is much more wise than the rest of me. 

It’s sometimes hard to listen to our inner voice amongst the all the outer noise but I find it’s always worth it!!

I believe the true value in material things we accumulate & attract into our lives is only ever really based on the meaning and purpose we give them.  If the intention is from a true and pure place the value becomes greater.  

They are not just vehicles to me. They represent such a positive, grounding and beautiful change in mine & my family’s life. 

I am very happy to say with the help of GMSV & Kokoda Caravans I am exactly where I am meant to be. “

Kasey Chambers

kasey guitar


Headed off for our last trip of the year!

At the start of 2023 I traded in my airport touring lifestyle for a Kokoda caravan and a Chevy Silverado. 

We spent the whole year travelling to 106 gig/working/charity destinations throughout Australia (not counting all the towns we visited on the way) and we towed that van with our Chevy over 76,000 kilometres!!! Didn’t visit one airport. We created so many beautiful memories for our whole family and it was one of the best touring years of my whole life. 

Thank you @kokodacaravans & @gmspecialtyvehicles and all the people who came out to our shows, helped with charity gigs, booked us for festivals, let us camp on their property’s, looked after us at caravan parks, bush camps, roadhouses, aboriginal communities and supported our travels and music. We are so grateful xx Kasey Chambers


Reflecting on the year that was, the Kokoda Staff & their families enjoyed a camp out with Kasey Chambers and it was an amazing night with great people!

Thanks @kaseychambersmusic for being apart of our family and putting on an amazing show! 

Thanks @whatsupdownunder for your support & great footage!

Here’s to celebrating many nights under the stars with many more campfires!


Owning a Caravan is about the places it will take you to, the locations you will stay at, the memories you will create, and the many stories, laughs, music and good times around the campfire. 

Caravanning will give you experiences you never dreamed of and broaden your horizons in ways you never thought possible. 

Family Caravans

Kokoda Caravans have a family range of vans that will take your family off-road and off-grid to create lifelong memories and adventures just like Kasey and her family are doing. 

Whether you have 2 kids, 3, 4 or 6 we have a van that can accomodate for your whole family, with all the luxuries to go with it. 

Checkout our Family Range today.


Kokoda Caravans are Melbourne made and are about as Australian as a caravan can get. We have an Aussie owner who has sourced the best Aussie parts and component manufacturers going around.


Made and manufactured in Melbourne, Australia.


Premium quality and unbeatable value.


Built with attention to detail and high quality. 


Offering a nationwide warranty so you can have peace of mind.